Ph.D. Admission Procedure (2024-25)

Phase I - PhD Admission 2023-24



Admission to Ph.D. Programs of University of Delhi (UoD)

(for the academic session 2023-24) 

Category: Education
Admission to Ph.D. Program of University of Delhi is governed by the Ordinance VI of the University, its Amendments, and other notifications issued by UoD from time to time in this regard. For the academic year 2023-24, the Ph.D. registration portal shall be opened more than one time in an academic year.
In Phase I, only the candidates who are eligible on the basis of qualifying UGC-NET (including JRF)/ UGC-CSIR NET (including JRF)/ AYUSH-NET/DBT-JRF, ICMR-JRF, DST-INSPIRE or equivalent national level examination/fellowship (as identified by DRC)/ GATE/ teacher fellowship holders and others (as per Ordinance VI, Notification: Amendments to Ordinances dated 09th August 2017 and its Amendments approved by the Executive Council in its meeting held on 01-02.07.2019) will be able to apply.

The schedule for Phase I of PhD admissions

Registration Begins

July 12, 2023

Registration Closes

August 8, 2023 (04:59 PM)

Interviews by Departments/ Centres

August 16, 2023 to September 16, 2023

Recommendation of DRC and BRS

Till September 26, 2023

Last Date for Payment of Fees

September 27, 2023

Registration fee (non-refundable) for Ph.D. program is: SC/ST/PwBD candidates is Rs. 300.00 (Rupees Three Hundred Only) per program; and for UR/ EWS/ OBC-NCL candidates it is Rs. 750.00 (Rupees Seven Hundred Fifty Hundred Only) per program.
Candidates must read the Bulletin of Information to ascertain their eligibility criteria, major area of research, and mandatory requirement of Research proposal at the time of registration. The registration process will close on Wednesday, August 2, 2023. The process of registration and admission would be done in two phases.