Sanjay Kapoor

Guest lecture by Prof. Mordechai (Motti) Choder

Guest Lecture by Professor Mordechai (Motti) Choder
Category: Guest Lecture

SPEAKER         ​    ​           Professor Mordechai (Motti) Choder

                                  The Shlomo Kaplansky Academic Chair Professor

                                 ​  Faculty of Medicine ​Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

​                                   Bat Galim, Haifa

                ​                   Israel 31076

TOPIC           ​        ​ “Novel concepts in our understanding of gene expression”

DATE & TIME  ​     ​   February 9, 2018 (Friday)​ ​ at  11.00 am

VENUE             ​    ​  Auditorium, Biotech Building


All are cordially invited!​